
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Surviving Arrest & The Criminal Justice System
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
In the United States 1 out 3 young people are arrested at least once by age 23 - this could be as high as 41% research reveals. “Getting arrested is much more complicated than just showing up” Julio Briones tell us in Surviving Arrest: The Complete Guide. Julio hosts An Ounce of Prevention podcast, he is also a Personal Crisis Manager, Coach, and is the founder and CEO of AnswerMan Speciality Services. Julio has an inspirational story; he embodies the advice and life lessons he offers. On this episode we explore the potential crises that can result from being arrested and incarcerated. From initial contact with the criminal justice system, through to spending time behind bars, Julio tells us of the importance of having a plan and support systems in place. We also talk about life after incarceration, the issues that offenders face and how reintegration in the labour market could be made easier.
We also have a Pop-Culture Check-in with Paul. Just in time for halloween, this one is all about the horror genre. Find Paul Combs on Twitter: @combspaul
Music on this episode is from Dayton, Ohio’s own The 1984 Draft, a band who channels American rock sensibilities through a ‘90s tinted punk and indie lens. Listen to the band’s new album “Make Good Choices” and follow their tour dates at: www.the1984draft.com | www.facebook.com/the1984draft | www.poptek.com
Follow #PodernFamily #Podmosphere, #UnderDogPods, and #2PodsADay on Twitter and Facebook for the best in indie podcasts. Listen More. Listen Indie.
Cast is a podcasting platform that makes it easy to record, edit and publish a podcast without leaving your browser. Connect with your next big guest today and start your free month of Cast with our referral link: cast.rocks/chronicity
Get your rocket fuel to your life’s journey with Alexander Laurin, certified life coach and the world’s first authentic podcaster’s coach. Find Alexander at: podcasterscoach.com
Want to join the “IMDB for podcasts”? Find new shows, rate the shows you love and do what the cool kids do at podchaser.com. For news & updates: @Podchaser on Twitter.
If you enjoyed this episode, we strongly urge you to make a donation to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund and/or the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Please help continue Gord's charitable & activist work. He left us with memories and a lifetime of music to enjoy. Helping the causes he cared about is the best way we can thank him now.
Connect with us on: Twitter: @The_SIM_Pod | Facebook: @thesimpod | Email: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
Please leave us a rating and a review, it really helps the show!
Intro Music: Song "Social Kapital" appearing on "Wonder Under" by Glad Rags at: http://freemusicarchive.org/ Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Other music available at http://www.smilingcynic.com/
Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.

Monday Aug 20, 2018
Soviet Sports Pt. 2 - Dominance and Disintegration
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
On this episode Matt continues a chat with Kristaps Andrejsons from the Eastern Border Podcast about the Soviet Union’s mass athletics program. We also hear from Chris Osborne, our fearless comrade over at Play Comics Podcast. History, politics, performance enhancing drugs for curlers. This episode goes far and wide.
Our ears are graced once more with a few tunes - Bāliņš jāja kara taku and Vēja vārdi - from the Latvian symphonic, melodic, gothic, folk, metal, rock band Oceanpath. Find Oceanpath on Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Did you know Kristaps also fences? You can learn more about our comrade and hear his show on iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, and make sure to check out his Patreon page.
Sport, Politics, and Communism by James Riordan. Manchester University Press, 1991.
Sport as a Soviet Tool by John N. Washburn. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Apr., 1956), pp. 490-499.
Sport, Politics, and Communism by James Riordan. Manchester University Press, 1991.
Sport in Soviet Society: Development of Sport and Physical Education in Russia and the USSR by James Riordan. CUP Archive, Jun. 30, 1980.
Rewriting Soviet Sports History by Jim Riordan. Journal of Sports History, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Winter 1993).
The Role of Sport in Soviet Foreign Policy by Jim Riordan. International Journal (Sport in World Politics), Vol. 43, No. 4, (Autumn, 1988), pp. 569-595.
The SIMpod wants to continue to support Perry and Lindsay Johnson. Check out the GoFundMe page and help #FightCancer with Perry & Lindsay. #HelloCancerWTF #TeamPerry
Follow #PodernFamily #Podmosphere, #UnderDogPods, and #2PodsADay on Twitter and Facebook for the best in indie podcasts. Listen More. Listen Indie.
Cast is a podcasting platform that makes it easy to record, edit and publish a podcast without leaving your browser. Connect with your next big guest today and start your free month of Cast with our referral link: cast.rocks/chronicity
Get your rocket fuel to your life’s journey with Alexander Laurin, certified life coach and the world’s first authentic podcaster’s coach. Find Alexander at: podcasterscoach.com
Want to join the “IMDB for podcasts”? Find new shows, rate the shows you love and do what the cool kids do at podchaser.com. For news & updates: @Podchaser on Twitter.
If you enjoyed this episode, we strongly urge you to make a donation to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund and/or the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Please help continue Gord's charitable & activist work. He left us with memories and a lifetime of music to enjoy. Helping the causes he cared about is the best way we can thank him now.
Follow us on Twitter: @The_SIM_Pod and on Facebook @thesimpod
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
Corrections & Additions webpage: http://thesim.podbean.com/p/corrections-additional-stuff/
Please leave us a rating and a review, it really helps the show!
Intro Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah Available at: http://www.cullah.com Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Soviet Sports Part 1: Manufacturing Homo Sovieticus
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
This week Matt chats with Kristaps Andrejsons, from the Eastern Border Podcast, about the Soviet Union’s mass athletics program. Sport is always political, by examining the intentions behind the program we learn about the socio-political and moralistic ideologies of the Soviet Union. Or, Matt just wanted to resurrect another undergrad paper!
We start off by getting to know Kristaps, why he started his podcast and find out what brand of imperialism he hates more! He also introduces us to a surprise guest, Uncle Gundars who was visiting from Mother Russia! Before jumping into the pre-Bolshevik sporting context, we hear Daughter of the Northern Wind from the Latvian symphonic/melodic/gothic/folk metal and rock band Oceanpath.
Kristaps kicks things off by describing life in Tsarist Russia, while Matt describes the limited athletics happening prior to WW1. 1917-20’s was an era of tumultuous upheaval in Russia with revolutions, civil war and non-stop Cake Parties. Despite this situation, what would become the Soviet Union established a trailblazing public health system (The GTO) that ‘encouraged’ athletic participation. Results were recorded, quantified and measured against the results of other groups as a way of formalizing, or manufacturing, the New Soviet Man (Homo Sovieticus).
This program became so ‘popular’ that professionalism and world-class finishes were attached to the model in the 1950’s (part 2) allowing the Soviets to dominate international competition for the next 4 decades; even being exported to the satellite states and emulated by the West to such an extent that “modern athletics” is very Soviet. We wrap up by hearing another track from Oceanpath, this one is aptly named The Puppet Show.
Thanks again to Kristaps from the Eastern Border Podcast for joining me in the deep dive, did you know he also fences?!? Thanks to Uncle Gundars for sharing your stories and to Oceanpath for the fiery tunes that went so well with these episodes. You can find Oceanpath: On Facebook @Oceanpath, Soundcloud, or their website.
Sport, Politics, and Communism James Riordan Manchester University Press, 1991
Be Strong Perry Barry (gofundme.com/hello-cancer-wtf) #hellocancerWTF
Follow #PodernFamily #Podmosphere, #UnderDogPods, and #2PodsADay on Twitter and Facebook for the best in indie podcasts. Listen More. Listen Indie.
Cast is a podcasting platform that makes it easy to record, edit and publish a podcast without leaving your browser. Connect with your next big guest today and start your free month of Cast with our referral link: cast.rocks/chronicity
Get your rocket fuel to your life’s journey with Alexander Laurin, certified life coach and the world’s first authentic podcaster’s coach. Find Alexander at: podcasterscoach.com
Want to join the “IMDB for podcasts”? Find new shows, rate the shows you love and do what the cool kids do at podchaser.com. For news & updates: @Podchaser on Twitter.
If you enjoyed this episode, we strongly urge you to make a donation to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund and/or the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Please help continue Gord's charitable & activist work. He left us with memories and a lifetime of music to enjoy. Helping the causes he cared about is the best way we can thank him now.
Follow us on Twitter: @The_SIM_Pod and on Facebook @thesimpod
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
Corrections & Additions webpage: http://thesim.podbean.com/p/corrections-additional-stuff/
Please leave us a rating and a review, it really helps the show!
Intro Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah Available at: http://www.cullah.com Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.

Monday Jun 04, 2018
Sharing a Slice of Cultures
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
On this episode, Phil sits down with Sean McGuire, the creator and host of the Share A Slice Podcast. In the first part, Sean tell us about his podcast, atheism and what it’s like talking with people from all walks of life. We get to hear a few of Sean’s stories about talking with the head of an UFO religion, sex workers, drag queens, and someone who prefers to pee and poop in her tent. Who are we to judge?! In the second part of our chat we dig into the notions of countercultures and subcultures and wonder if they hold revolutionary potential. Should everyone be involved in subcultural experiences? Maybe countercultures aren’t for everyone. Is the intention of counterculture to affect change, or simply to have a non-mainstream lifestyle? It’s an episode all about sharing stories and sharing a slice of life.
If you enjoyed our chat, make sure to subscribe, rate and review Sean’s podcast. Also, follow Share A Slice on Twitter @SlicesPodcast and on Facebook @ShareASlicePodcast and on Instagram @ShareASlicePodcast.
We thank Katreese Barnes for the music on this episode. Katreese is a music director, composer, producer, arranger, pianist, vocalist & saxophonist. If you don’t know Katreese Barnes by name, you certainly know her music. Two time Emmy award winner, a Grammy nominated pianist, producer and composer, Katreese has been a hidden hand at orchestrating some of our cherished cultural sounds. Katreese is currently working on Welcome 2 My House, a live streamed internet show that she created and where she surprises people in their living rooms with their favorite artist singing their favorite song. W2MH showcases artists in a very intimate environment while playing with a string quartet, bass, and percussions. The Motto of the Show is “We’re Going to Keep The Music Alive, One Living Room At A Time”. If you enjoyed the music, please make sure to subscribe to W2MH on Youtube.
Concluding thought: If you understand everything, you must be misinformed.- Japanese Proverb
Follow #PodernFamily #Podmosphere, #UnderDogPods, and #2PodsADay on Twitter and Facebook for the best in indie podcasts. Listen More. Listen Indie.
Cast is a podcasting platform that makes it easy to record, edit and publish a podcast without leaving your browser. Connect with your next big guest today and start your free month of Cast with our referral link: cast.rocks/chronicity
Get your rocket fuel to your life’s journey with Alexander Laurin, certified life coach and the world’s first authentic podcaster’s coach. Find Alexander at: podcasterscoach.com
Want to join the “IMDB for podcasts”? Find new shows, rate the shows you love and do what the cool kids do at podchaser.com. For news & updates: @Podchaser on Twitter.
If you enjoyed this episode, we strongly urge you to make a donation to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund and/or the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Please help continue Gord's charitable & activist work. He left us with memories and a lifetime of music to enjoy. Helping the causes he cared about is the best way we can thank him now.
Follow us on Twitter: @The_SIM_Pod and on Facebook @thesimpod
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
Corrections & Additions webpage: http://thesim.podbean.com/p/corrections-additional-stuff/
Please leave us a rating and a review, it really helps the show!
-Intro Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah Available at: http://www.cullah.com Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
-Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.

Monday May 21, 2018
Jahmeelah Gamble just Slay’d the Mic
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
Matt sat down with disability advocate, educator, public speaker and podcaster Jahmeelah Gamble. If you like going down rabbit holes, this is the episode for you. We chatted about balancing conflicting cultural expectations in an educational context, accidently landing a TV show for 6 seasons and the ways Jahmeelah has endeavored to be a humanist rather than a knight in shining armor.
Matt shares a little confession, while Jahm talks about her brand. Spoiler: it’s intersectional-reflexive applied empathetic-humanism! Matt also gets Jahm to explain how and why she became such a strong education advocate and how advocacy extends well beyond the classroom to permeate all aspects of life.
As a public speaker, Jahmeelah shies away from intentionally trying to inspire while being mindful of the power in setting an example. Wrapping up the conversation, Matt explores how Jahm’s faith intersects with her speaking and advocacy. Jahm gives us an impassioned description of the struggles facing educational aid workers in Canada.
Jahmeelah’s message of empowerment and positivity is downright infectious, so be sure to check out the Slay the Mic Podcast. To witness the Connector of People, Ideas and Energy in action visit: https://www.msjam.ca/. Follow Slay The Mic on Twitter at: @slaythemicpod and Jahmeelah at: @Iamjamgamble. Go ahead and take a Gamble on yourself!
Big thanks to Jenna from the Meet me in the Woods podcast for introducing us to Gigi Edgley who graciously allowed us to play her awesome music. Gigi and Jake Edgley have embarked upon a world tour which you can keep track of at https://www.wanderland.love/tourdates/. Follow Gigi on Twitter https://twitter.com/GigiEdgley and listen to Gigi and Jake Edgley’s Stand By Me on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgCA7x3X2EE and Gigi Edgley’s Closer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqAi-tLCgH0.
Thanks to Julio from an Ounce of Prevention podcast for the iTunes review and to Tim Brian who both gave us a nice Facebook review and participated in the Chronicity series, thanks for your many insights Tim.
Some Twitter Love:
First up, Lisa and Sam, aka. the ladies in the Lowes parking lot, sometimes: I Shake My Head, who have been our biggest fans and supporters, thanks for all the encouragement. Follow ‘em on the Twitter: @I_shakemyhead.
Jake and Tom Conquer from The Drunken Dork, podcast who have tenaciously supported the Live Stream for the Cure 2.0 event started by Nick and Justin at the Epic Film Guys podcast last year to raise awareness and money for Cancer Research. Be sure to follow the Drunken Dorks on twitter @thedrunkendork and while you are at it also follow @thepodcouple and subscribe to The Podcouple who have also strongly supported the Live Stream for the Cure 2.0 event.
Last but by no means least: The Stranger Lands podcast who have been strong supporters and advocates of Lindsay and Perry Johnson who host the Podcast’s Hello Life WTF and The Podstuff Podcast.
Perry Johnson is a beloved figure in the indie pod circles, and now he needs our help to fight cancer. The community has rallied to their side, but we humbly ask for your consideration in helping us reach our fundraising goal of $20,000 to help the Johnson’s with medical expenses. Thank you in advance.
The Simpod Loves you Perry-Barry, be strong brother.
Please visit the GoFundMe campaign to donate to #TeamPerry today! Click here: Hello Cancer WTF
Follow us on Twitter:@The_SIM_Pod and on Facebook @TheSimPod
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
Corrections & Additions webpage: http://thesim.podbean.com/p/corrections-additional-stuff/
Please leave us a rating and a review, it really helps the show!
-Intro Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah Available at: http://www.cullah.com Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
-Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.

Monday Apr 23, 2018
For The Love Of All Species
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
At times, our furry friends bring us joy, pleasure and happiness. Their company is valued, and they too are valued members of our homes. Other times, they bring us closer to understanding why not sweating the small stuff is an important life lesson. As humans we think we have the benefit of being intelligent and rational. But are we alone in that regard? From the social sciences, humanities and art comes an episode full of love for all species. We are joined by the creator of The Species Podcast, Macken Murphy, to discuss his show, his views on veganism, and the intersection of science and the animal kingdom. We are then joined by Tracy for our first round-table discussion. It gets heated as we discuss the merits of cloning, banning certain breeds of dogs, and which species make good house pets (Hint: It’s most definitely not polar bears!).
We thank Michael Harren, a Brooklyn-based composer and performer for letting us play his music on this episode. Michael combines elements of classical composition with experimental electronics and storytelling, to create hypnotic and boldly intimate work that walks the line between Laurie Anderson, Peter Gabriel and Dead Can Dance. He is also the host on The Mikey Pod. You can find that fine show at mikeypod.com/, and you can find Michael’s music at michaelharren.com. Check out his Facebook page @MichaelHarrenMusic and his Twitter @michaelharren
We included several promos on this episode. Please check out these great shows:
Concluding thought: Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.- Anatole France
Follow #PodernFamily #Podmosphere, #UnderDogPods, and #2PodsADay on Twitter and Facebook for the best in indie podcasts. Listen More. Listen Indie.
Cast is a podcasting platform that makes it easy to record, edit and publish a podcast without leaving your browser. Connect with your next big guest today and start your free month of Cast with our referral link: cast.rocks/chronicity
Get your rocket fuel to your life’s journey with Alexander Laurin, certified life coach and the world’s first authentic podcaster’s coach. Find Alexander at: podcasterscoach.com
Want to join the “IMDB for podcasts”? Find new shows, rate the shows you love and do what the cool kids do at podchaser.com. For news & updates: @Podchaser on Twitter.
If you enjoyed this episode, we strongly urge you to make a donation to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund and/or the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Please help continue Gord's charitable & activist work. He left us with memories and a lifetime of music to enjoy. Helping the causes he cared about is the best way we can thank him now.
Follow us on Twitter: @The_SIM_Pod and on Facebook @thesimpod
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
Corrections & Additions webpage: http://thesim.podbean.com/p/corrections-additional-stuff/
Please leave us a rating and a review, it really helps the show!
- Intro Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah Available at:http://www.cullah.com Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.

Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Chronicity - Episode 1 - The Unraveling
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
There comes a moment in time when the things that we could once do, the things that we did easily and without much effort, become more difficult. Maybe even impossible. It is in those moments that the reality of what chronic pain and illness can do to the body and mind becomes apparent. The experience of the first episode or attack is now interwoven into a web that has transformed our lives. This episode tells the stories of first encounters with what would become a chronic pain or illness. The act of remembering pain and illness, however, is not linear: the past becomes the present, and the future is a mixed bag of unknowns. Living in chronicity entails loathing time, but also cherishing it more than anything else. Like a stich, both time and our bodies have begun to unravel.
We thank everyone who lent their voice to make this episode:
Tim Brien
Rhett Hall
Karen Duffy
Chris Osbourn
Susan Reynolds
Donna Hume
Eric Mulford
And special thanks to Amy and Tracy who are good friends of the show and fellow podcast lovers.
Music by: David Wagner, host of The Addictions Podcast. Follow the podcast on Facebook and Twitter. Contact David at: theaddictionspodcast@gmail.com
And: Alex Diskin, Singer & songwriter from central New York. SoundCloud and YouTube. Contact Alex at: Alexdiskinmusic@gmail.com
Cast is a podcasting platform that makes it easy to record, edit and publish a podcast without leaving your browser. Connect with your next big guest today and start your free month of Cast with our referral link: cast.rocks/chronicity
Get your rocket fuel to your life’s journey with Alexander Laurin, certified life coach and the world’s first authentic podcaster’s coach. Find Alexander at: podcasterscoach.com
Want to join the “IMDB for podcasts”? Find new shows, rate the shows you love and do what the cool kids do at podchaser.com. For news & updates: @Podchaser on Twitter.
Follow us on Twitter: @The_SIM_Pod and on Facebook @thesimpod
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
If you are thinking of suicide, know someone who is, or want information on mental health services available in your area, see the short list of resources below:
Help is available nationwide in Canada by calling toll-free 1-833-456-4566, texting 45645 or chatting online with Crisis Services Canada.
NHS - Choices (UK): https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-health-helplines/
National Suicide Prevention Line (USA): https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Lifeline (Australia): https://www.lifeline.org.au/
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand: https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/get-help/in-crisis/

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Chronicity - Episode 0 - Welcome to Chronicity
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
This is a podcast mini-series on chronic pain and Illness. Over the course of this mini-series, you will hear the real stories of folks living with chronic pain and chronic illness. We have over 20 hours of audio for this series, and our goal is to bring you a conversation that spans the personal, the political, the medical, and the emotional sides of pain and illness. But before we start, we wanted to give you a little background on why we decided to put this series together, and a little taste of what to expect. Welcome to Chronicity.
Follow us on Twitter: @The_SIM_Pod and on Facebook @thesimpod
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Placing Bets
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Games of chance have long been a part of societies. From dice, spinning tops, or playing cards, we have always wanted to win big on luck. The modern casino, however, offers an interesting perspective to take seriously what happens when we place bets.
Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program Review British Columbia - Centre for the Advancement of Best Practices
William R. Eadington (ed.) Gambling and society : interdisciplinary studies on the subject of gambling.
Cotte. J. (1997). Chances, Trances, And Lots of Slots: Gambling Motives And Consumption Experiences. Journal of Leisure Research, 29(4), 380-406.
We thank The Band Alexander,an alt-pop group from Indianapolis, Indiana, for letting us play some tracks off of their new debut EP ‘Playing Basements’. You can find The Band Alexander on: Bandcamp: https://thebandalexander.bandcamp.com/releases | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BandAlexandr/ | Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3NuMZiYQ6ZwbwDX2JNkhOJ
Concluding thought: In gambling the many must lose in order that the few may win.-George Bernard Shaw
Follow #PodernFamily #Podmosphere, #UnderDogPods, and #2PodsADay on Twitter and Facebook for the best in indie podcasts. Listen More. Listen Indie.
If you enjoy podcasts and need a better way to find, review, and share shows you love check-out Podknife at https://podknife.com. For updates on the new shows added to the Podknife database and for a featured podcast of the day, follow https://twitter.com/podknife. Podknife: Podcast reviews for everyone.
If you enjoyed this episode, we strongly urge you to make a donation to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund and/or the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Please help continue Gord's charitable & activist work. He left us with memories and a lifetime of music to enjoy. Helping the causes he cared about is the best way we can thank him now.
Email us: semiintellectual@gmail.com
Subscribe to the podcast: https://thesim.podbean.com/feed/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/gkAb6V
Stitcher: https://goo.gl/PfiVWJ
GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/uFszFq
Corrections & Additions webpage: http://thesim.podbean.com/p/corrections-additional-stuff/
Please leave us a rating and a review, it really helps the show!
Intro Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah Available at: http://www.cullah.com Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Social Media in the Classroom
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
On this episode we talk about teaching practices and the idea that social media has a place in the classroom. We discuss our views of pedagogy (the art, science, and even craft of teaching), classroom power and dynamics between educators and students, and the politics of education. Why aren’t educators turning to social media in the classroom? Can social media result in more classroom engagement, exposure to our social world, and, even, democratize the learning process? It’s ambitious. But is it totally out of the realm of the possible? We tend to think not.
For an example of some of the practical benefits, as well as the challenges, of using social media in the classroom see: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186%2Fs41239-017-0041-6.pdf
We thank Gabrielle Giguere, singer, songwriter, artist extraordinaire, and all-around great person, for letting us play some tracks off of Her Harbour’s album ‘Go Gently Into The Night’. You can find Her Habour on: Bandcamp: https://herharbour.bandcamp.com/ | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HerHarbour | Twitter: https://twitter.com/HerHarbour | Website: https://herharbour.com/
Concluding thought: Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.― John Dewey
Follow #PodernFamily #Podmosphere, #UnderDogPods, and #2PodsADay on Twitter and Facebook for the best in indie podcasts. Listen More. Listen Indie.
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If you enjoyed this episode, we strongly urge you to make a donation to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund and/or the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Please help continue Gord's charitable & activist work. He left us with memories and a lifetime of music to enjoy. Helping the causes he cared about is the best way we can thank him now.
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Intro Music: Song "Soul Challenger" appearing on "Cullahnary School" by Cullah Available at: http://www.cullah.com Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Semi-Intellectual Musings does not own any of the songs played in this episode. Follow links above for proper attribution.
Version: 20241125